The light blue ball is introduced because its the object and colour I associate with fun and goes hand in paw with a playful Boxer dog.
The overriding feeling I get from looking at the finished pieces is happiness and I hope this is the main sense of emotion for anybody else that looks upon them.
Trying to look smart next to 'Granville'!
Granville looking pleased with himself in 'Got it'!
He's so happy!
Completion of 'Not having it'
He's not going to give it!
Finally captures the memories - love it!
Love this close up on 'Best time of the day'
Additional piece, if requested, to compliment 'Getting it'
So graceful in 'Getting it'
He almost looks pleased that he missed it in 'Nearly got it'!
Fixated and Dreaming
As these pieces near completion, we are eagerly anticipating their addition to the gallery. Each sculpture offers a new perspective on Nick’s artistic journey, showcasing his ability to breathe life into stone and slate, and to tell stories that resonate with beauty, emotion, and meaning. We invite you to stay tuned for their unveiling and to experience the magic of Nick’s latest creations firsthand.
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